Father’s Day Gifts Online
A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.
Why do we celebrate Father’s Day?
Father’s Day typically falls on 3rd Sunday of every June. Incidentally, in 2018 it falls on 17th. There are interesting but emotional string of events attached to the history of Father’s Day, especially on how it came into existence.
It is believed that on July 5th, 1908, Grace Golden Clayton, asked the pastor ( Dr. R. Thomas Webb ) of Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church in Fairmont, West Virginia if that particular Sunday Service could be dedicated to fathers, since not only she, but more than two hundred children lost their fathers in a mining explosion just outside of Fairmont. The pastor agreed and thus came into existence an annual event in a small town called “Father’s Day”.
Over the years it triggered several ideas across the country, and people from all walks of life tried to honour fathers through a unanimously chosen special day, but it was Mrs. Sonora Dodd who succeeded in turning it into a national event. She proposed to Spokane Ministerial Association and YMCA that they celebrate “Father’s day” that would be a tribute. Incidentally, she chose 5th June because it was her father’s birthday.
However, in spite of her efforts the ideation didn’t find real traction. Moreover, it had no legal validity even though the first bill was introduced by the Congress in 1913. Then in 1966, Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation designating 3rd Sunday of every June in honor of fathers.
Later, in the year 1972 President Richard Nixon signed a law declaring that 3rd Sunday shall be celebrated as Father’s day. After achieving the official status, this designated day gained momentum in terms of popularity and today it has turned into a permanent national holiday.
Why is the date of Father’s Day different in other countries?
While countries like U.S, Canada, U.K, France, Greece, Netherlands celebrate this occasion on 3rd Sunday, there are countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Fiji who observe this day in September. The reason is because of the difference in seasons.
What are the best Father’s Day gifts?
All over the world, on this day, sons and daughters wish their fathers, and more often than not offer gifts, as a token of love and appreciation. While some offer a simple card / flower, there are others who gift customized coffee mug, rare and expensive pen set, and mobile phone, book, bar accessories or a wrist watch. A few of them, especially those who are economically affluent show their love through expensive gifts such as cars and paid vacations.
Mentioned below is Father’s Day Dates ( those countries which celebrate in June ) for the next five years –
16th June – 2019
21st June – 2020
20th June – 2021
19th June – 2022
18th June – 2023
If you are planning to gift wrist watch on this Father’s Day make sure you visit poolkart.com. This online fashion boutique offers stunning and affordable range of time pieces.